Coffee Host Duties
Coffee Hosts’ and Greeters’ Duties
Please arrive at 9:45 a.m.
Before the service
- Provide refreshments for the coffee hour, which may include baked goods, vegetables, fruit, dip, etc. A separate table with snacks for the children is helpful but not mandatory. These should be prepared and ready to serve immediately after the service. Cover the serving tables with tablecloths from the kitchen.
- Be sure the coffee has been started in the 2 large urns (one decaf, one regular) as well as the hot water for tea.
After the service
- Serve the coffee, tea and refreshments. Coffee and tea are served directly from the urns on the large serving tables.
- All coffee hosts clean up the kitchen, clean out coffee urns, and wash, dry and put away dishes. Clear the Meeting Room of stray papers, run the vacuum over carpets. Turn off lights in Meeting Room and Fellowship Hall.
- Check doors and lock up if last to leave. Door key kept in top drawer in kitchen to the right of the sink. Lock door with key (don’t lock yourself out) then slide the key under the church office door. When you leave the door will lock behind you.
Thank you for helping and being part of our church community!