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Northshore Unitarian Universalist Church
A liberal, welcoming congregation serving the North Shore of Massachusetts since 1966

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Share the Plate

Through monthly share-the-plate offerings, the Social Action committee helps the congregation to support local, state, national, and international non-profit organizations that are aligned with our UU values. Church members are invited to nominate an organization by completing a form telling us about the group. We share this information with the congregation and a special collection is taken to donate to the organization.

Examples of past share-the-plate recipients include: NAGLY (North Shore Alliance of LGBTQ+ youth); the UU Service Committee that advances rights through grassroots collaborations; Haven From Hunger, the food pantry that serves Peabody, Salem, and Lynnfield; One Spirit that seeks to help the Oglata Lakota tribe of Native Americans achieve happier, healthier lives within the context of their history and culture; and Angry Tias and Abuelas whose mission is to provide basic necessities for health and safety, and support for human dignity and justice, to individuals and families seeking asylum at our borders.

Use the link below to download the form which you can use to nominate an organization.

Share the Plate Nomination Form