Feburary 19 Service at 10:30 AM in the Church and on Zoom
Guest Speaker Gina Tzizik
Gina Tzizik is an artist and educator whose work is informed by her study of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism. Gina’s talk will focus on her experience and research of the power of the work Chesed – Loving-kindness (pronounced Hess-ed) from the Tree of Life or sefroit (the sefirot are described as channels of divine creative life force or consciousness through which the unknowable divine essence is revealed to humankind).
Guest musicians Judith Ahrens, Cello and Douglas Kramer, Clarinet will be providing the music for the service.
Chesed offers us the opportunity to contribute a part of ourselves to the world. We offer our unique spark of individuality in action when we give selflessly. Each act of kindness (no matter how small) has the potential to impact humanity with the energy of goodness, positively and in light.
Pieces of Light, Gina Tzizik, 2022
An artist reception will follow the service with refreshments and sale of her prints, giclee limited edition, and original prints. 10% of the proceeds will be donated to the church.